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Main Page

The "Main Page" project is the result of my cooperation with an IT company. My goal was to create an impressive website design that reflected the company's technological competence and innovative spirit.

Main Page

Main Page


Stas Bezkhlibliy & Taras Vidakov


Lutsk, Ukraine




About project


My task was to conduct in-depth research and analyze the IT market. Develop a design and visual concept that reflects the modern and technological nature of the company. Develop a website using HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, and CMS Dwidok WordPress. Test the site and set up SEO optimization.


My decision was to start with a design strategy, where I set out to develop a design that would reflect the current trends and technological nature of the company's IT. Next is the analysis of the target audience. Studied the company's target audience, found out their needs and expectations regarding the website. This helped to decide how to make the site convenient and attractive for visitors. The choice of style, colors and fonts played an important role in creating the concept. Create a design that reflects the company's corporate identity. This helped ensure consistency with other company materials. Then defined the technical requirements for creating a website, including the choice of programming languages, technologies and platforms. This helped ensure efficient site development and functionality. Next, create an adaptive site that allows the site to be displayed properly on various devices, from computers to smartphones. Considered opportunities to create interactive elements on the site that would help improve user interaction and make the experience more exciting.


The design for the "Main Page" project was built on modern principles and reflected the company's identity through every element. Modern and technological style: Approaching the design, I chose a style that reflects the cutting edge and innovation of the IT field. The use of flat designs, modern fonts and minimalistic forms helped to create a visual image that stood out from the usual standards. Color palette: The choice of colors was considered and aimed at strengthening the identity. I used modern colors that are associated with technological innovation and professionalism. Bright accents marked important elements and structural blocks. Company identity: The design reflected the corporate identity of the IT company "Main Page". Elements of the brand, logo and similarity with other company materials brought consistency and recognition. Minimalism and functionality: The design has been simplified to ensure ease of use. Each element had a specific function, and the minimalist approach contributed to easy navigation and quick visual perception of important information. Responsiveness: Since dynamically adapting technology is key to IT, the design was responsive. The structure and elements of the site kept their clarity and functionality on any device. Every design choice was made with the goal of creating an impressive website that not only reflected the identity and values of Main Page IT, but also provided visitors with a modern and efficient experience.

Main Page

The process of developing a site based on CMS WordPress included the following stages and basic technologies: Choosing and configuring hosting: Choosing a reliable hosting provider to host your website. Configuring the domain name and server settings. Installing WordPress: Installing the WordPress CMS on the hosting via the installer or manually. Choosing and configuring the site theme. Structure and design: Creating the structure of the site, placing the main sections. Customize the design using HTML, CSS and theme capabilities. Plugins and functionality: Installing and configuring required plugins for functionality (SEO, contact forms, analytics, etc.). Creating and filling content: Creating pages, publishing articles, uploading images and multimedia. Using visual editors and Gutenberg. Responsive Design: Making the site responsive for different devices and screen sizes using media queries and CSS. Speed optimization: Using caching, optimizing images, reducing script loading to ensure loading speed. Testing and Debugging: Checking the site's performance on different browsers and devices. Detection and correction of errors. SEO optimization: Setting meta tags, optimizing images, structuring content to improve SEO. Anti-hacking and security: Installing necessary plugins to protect your site from hacking, regularly updating plugins and WordPress core. Launch and support: After successful testing, deployment of the site on a live server. Constant support, content updates and correction of possible shortcomings.
